German Resistance Memorial Center Faksimiles
Online publications
You can download facsimiles of original documents of resistance against National Socialism here, free of charge. Each facsimile consists of a reprint of the document and a complete translation.
You can also order all 37 facsimiles as a complete boxed edition, for a protective charge of 5 euro (plus postage and packaging).
4 Resistance from the Workers' Movement
Reichstag speech by the Social Democratic Party chairman Otto Wels against the Enabling Act, March 23, 1933. The speech was distributed in this form in a printed leaflet in 1933.
Source: AdSD / Friedrich-Ebert-Stiftung
English translation: Katy Derbyshire
English editing: Ginger A. Diekmann
Editing: Ute Stiepani
1st edition 2016
Available as free download (456 KB).
First exile program (Prague Manifesto) of the Social Democratic Party of Germany (SOPADE), January 1934. More than 10,000 copies of this edition were smuggled into Germany.
Source: Gedenkstätte Deutscher Widerstand
English translation: Katy Derbyshire
English editing: Ginger A. Diekmann
Editing: Ute Stiepani
1st edition 2016
Available as free download (PDF 426 KB)
Last legal edition of the Communist central newspaper Rote Fahne, Berlin, February 26/27, 1933.
Source: Gedenkstätte Deutscher Widerstand
English translation: Katy Derbyshire
English editing: Ginger A. Diekmann
Editing: Ute Stiepani
1st edition 2016
Available as free download (PDF 482 KB)
Illegal edition of the Rote Fahne containing the call of February 2, 1936, to form a popular front of Communists, Social Democrats, socialists, and independents.
Source: AdSD / Friedrich-Ebert-Stiftung
English translation: Katy Derbyshire
English editing: Ginger A. Diekmann
Editing: Ute Stiepani
1st edition 2016
Available as free download (PDF 373 KB)
Special edition of the illegal leaflet "The Peace Fighter" from June 1942, written by the resistance group formed around Wilhelm Knöchel and distributed in the Ruhr region.
Source: LAV NRW R, RW 0058 Nr. 12111, fol. 261 ff.
English translation: Katy Derbyshire
English editing: Ginger A. Diekmann
Editing: Ute Stiepani
1st edition 2016
Available as free download (PDF 1.0 MB)
5 Resistance out of Christian Faith
Theological Declaration of Barmen, passed by the Confessional Church's Barmen synod on May 31, 1934, and widely distributed as a leaflet.
Source: Gedenkstätte Deutscher Widerstand
English translation: Katy Derbyshire
English editing: Ginger A. Diekmann
Editing: Ute Stiepani
1st edition 2016
Available as free download (PDF330 KB)
Memorandum from the Provisional Executive elected by the Fraternal Council, and the Council of the German Evangelical Church to Adolf Hitler, May 28, 1936.
Source: Private
English translation: Katy Derbyshire
English editing: Ginger A. Diekmann
Editing: Ute Stiepani
1st edition 2016
Available as free download (PDF 401 KB)
Encyclical "Mit brennender Sorge" ("With Deep Anxiety") issued by Pope Pius XI, March 14, 1937, to the German bishops and the world church, illicitly printed in Germany and read from pulpits on March 27, 1937.
Source: Stadtarchiv Düsseldorf
Editing: Ginger A. Diekmann / Ute Stiepani
1st edition 2016
Available as free download (PDF 403 KB)
Transcript of a sermon by the Bishop of Münster Clemens August Graf von Galen, August 3, 1941.
Source: Evangelische Kirche im Rheinland
English translation: Katy Derbyshire
English editing: Ginger A. Diekmann
Editing: Ute Stiepani
1st edition 2016
Available as free download (PDF 580 KB)
Open letter from the Jehovah's Witnesses, June 1937. Tens of thousands of copies of this leaflet were printed in secret in Germany and distributed on a single day, June 20, 1937.
Source: LAV NRW R, RW 0058 Nr. 4502, Abb. 193, 194
English translation: Katy Derbyshire
English editing: Ginger A. Diekmann
Editing: Ute Stiepani
1st edition 2016
Available as free download (PDF 387 KB)
8 Paths Leading to July 20, 1944
Lecture notes by Ludwig Beck from July 16, 1938, with his thoughts on the behavior of the senior military leadership in the face of a threat of war with Czechoslovakia (transcription).
Source: Bundesarchiv/Militärarchiv, N 28/4, fol. 36-40
English translation: Katy Derbyshire
English editing: Ginger A. Diekmann
Editing: Ute Stiepani
1st edition 2016
Available as free download (PDF 238 KB)
Draft for a "Law on the Restoration of Orderly Conditions in State and Legal Matters (Provisional State Constitution)" by Johannes Popitz and Ulrich von Hassell, 1940 (transcription).
Source: Bundesarchiv, NL Popitz N. 94
English translation: Katy Derbyshire
English editing: Ginger A. Diekmann
Editing: Ute Stiepani
1st edition 2016
Available as free download (PDF 330 KB)
10 Aims of the Attempted Coup
Draft of a government declaration by Ludwig Beck and Carl Friedrich Goerdeler, Summer 1944. Reconstructed on the basis of documents of the "Gestapo Special Commission on July 20, 1944" (transcription).
Source: Bundesarchiv, NS 6/6, fol. 90-113
English translation: Katy Derbyshire
English editing: Ginger A. Diekmann
Editing: Ute Stiepani
1st edition 2016
Available as free download (PDF 325 KB)
Two drafts of the appeal to the German nation prepared for July 20, 1944, by Ludwig Beck as head of state, with additions by Carl Friedrich Goerdeler. Reconstructed on the basis of documents of the "Gestapo Special Commission on July 20, 1944" (transcription).
Source: Bundesarchiv, NS 6/6, fol. 67
English translation: Katy Derbyshire
English editing: Ginger A. Diekmann
Editing: Ute Stiepani
1st edition 2016
Available as free download (PDF 295 KB)
Draft for the appeal to the Wehrmacht prepared for July 20, 1944, by Erwin von Witzleben. Reconstructed on the basis of documents of the "Gestapo Special Commission on July 20, 1944" (transcription).
Source: Bundesarchiv, NS 6/8
English translation: Katy Derbyshire
English editing: Ginger A. Diekmann
Editing: Ute Stiepani
1st edition 2016
Available as free download (PDF 317 KB)
Draft for the radio announcement by Carl Friedrich Goerdeler prepared for July 20, 1944. Reconstructed on the basis of documents of the "Gestapo Special Commission on July 20, 1944" (transcription).
Source: Bundesarchiv, NS 6/8, fol. 103-112
English translation: Katy Derbyshire
English editing: Ginger A. Diekmann
Editing: Ute Stiepani
1st edition 2016
Available as free download (PDF 269 KB)
12 The Kreisau Circle
Abridged version of the memorandum "On the Basic Principles of State Theory" by Helmuth James Graf von Moltke as a basis for discussions in Kreisau, 1940 / 41.
Source: Private
English translation: Katy Derbyshire
English editing: Ginger A. Diekmann
Editing: Ute Stiepani
1st edition 2016
Available as free download (PDF 283 KB)
Action Program of the Kreisau Circle, based on a draft by Carlo Mierendorff, discussed at the 1943 Whitsun meeting in Kreisau.
Source: Private
English translation: Katy Derbyshire
English editing: Ginger A. Diekmann
Editing: Ute Stiepani
1st edition 2016
Available as free download (PDF 328 KB)
13 Resistance by Young People
"The Free Word," issue no. 1. Flyer written by Hanno Günther and Elisabeth Pungs, July 1940.
Source: Bundesarchiv, R 3018/NJ 1705, Bd. 5
English translation: Katy Derbyshire
English editing: Ginger A. Diekmann
Editing: Ute Stiepani
1st edition 2016
Available as free download (PDF 378 KB)
"The Free Word," issue no. 3. Flyer written by Hanno Günther, September 1940.
Source: Bundesarchiv, R 3018/NJ 1705, Bd. 5
English translation: Katy Derbyshire
English editing: Ginger A. Diekmann
Editing: Ute Stiepani
1st edition 2016
Available as free download (PDF 403 KB)
"The Free Word," issue no. 4. Flyer written by Hanno Günther and Wolfgang Pander, November 1940.
Source: Bundesarchiv, R 3018/NJ 1705, Bd. 5
English translation: Katy Derbyshire
English editing: Ginger A. Diekmann
Editing: Ute Stiepani
1st edition 2016
Available as free download (PDF 500 KB)
"The Free Word," issue no. 6. Flyer written by Elisabeth Pungs, January 1941.
Source: Bundesarchiv, R 3018/NJ 1705, Bd. 5
English translation: Katy Derbyshire
English editing: Ginger A. Diekmann
Editing: Ute Stiepani
1st edition 2016
Available as free download (PDF 392 KB)
"The Nazi Reich Marshal". Flyer written by Helmuth Hübener, 1941.
Source: Bundesarchiv, R 3018/NJ 113, Bd. 1
English translation: Katy Derbyshire
English editing: Ginger A. Diekmann
Editing: Ute Stiepani
1st edition 2016
Available as free download (PDF 324 KB)
"Hitler Youth". Flyer written by Helmuth Hübener, 1941.
Source: Bundesarchiv, R 3018/NJ 113, Bd. 1
English translation: Katy Derbyshire
English editing: Ginger A. Diekmann
Editing: Ute Stiepani
1st edition 2016
Available as free download (PDF 274 KB)
14 The Red Orchestra
"The People Are Troubled about Germany's Future." Leaflet written by Harro Schulze-Boysen with assistance from John Sieg; several hundred copies sent out in Berlin in February 1942.
Source: Bundesarchiv, R 58/4105
English translation: Katy Derbyshire
English editing: Ginger A. Diekmann
Editing: Ute Stiepani
1st edition 2016
Available as free download (PDF 485 KB)
"Open Letters to the Eastern Front - Issue no. 8 - To a Police Captain." Leaflet distributed by the Red Orchestra in Berlin in 1942, based on a draft by John Sieg and Adam Kuckhoff.
Source: Bundesarchiv, R 3018/NJ 2, Bd. 4
English translation: Katy Derbyshire
English editing: Ginger A. Diekmann
Editing: Ute Stiepani
1st edition 2016
Available as free download (PDF 463 KB)
15 the White Rose
First White Rose leaflet, written by Hans Scholl and Alexander Schmorell, June 1942.
Source: Bundesarchiv, R 3018/NJ 1704, Bd. 32
English translation: Katy Derbyshire
English editing: Ginger A. Diekmann
Editing: Ute Stiepani
1st edition 2016
Available as free download (PDF 331 KB)
Second White Rose leaflet, written by Hans Scholl and Alexander Schmorell, June 1942.
Source: Bundesarchiv, R 3018/NJ 1704, Bd. 32
English translation: Katy Derbyshire
English editing: Ginger A. Diekmann
Editing: Ute Stiepani
1st edition 2016
Available as free download (PDF 358 KB)
Third White Rose leaflet, written by Hans Scholl and Alexander Schmorell, July 1942.
Source: Bundesarchiv, R 3018/NJ 1704, Bd. 32
English translation: Katy Derbyshire
English editing: Ginger A. Diekmann
Editing: Ute Stiepani
1st edition 2016
Available as free download (PDF 318 KB)
Fourth White Rose leaflet, written by Hans Scholl and Alexander Schmorell, July 1942.
Source: Bundesarchiv, R 3018/NJ 1704, Bd. 32
English translation: Katy Derbyshire
English editing: Ginger A. Diekmann
Editing: Ute Stiepani
1st edition 2016
Available as free download (PDF 342 KB)
Fifth White Rose leaflet, written by Kurt Huber, based on a draft by Hans Scholl, January 1943.
Source: Bundesarchiv, R 3018/NJ 1704, Bd. 32
English translation: Katy Derbyshire
English editing: Ginger A. Diekmann
Editing: Ute Stiepani
1st edition 2016
Available as free download (PDF 188 KB)
Sixth White Rose leaflet, written by Kurt Huber, February 1943.
Source: Bundesarchiv, R 3018/NJ 1704, Bd. 32
English translation: Katy Derbyshire
English editing: Ginger A. Diekmann
Editing: Ute Stiepani
1st edition 2016
Available as free download (PDF 363 KB)
18 Resistance during Wartime Life
"Manifesto of the National Committee 'Free Germany,'" Krasnogorsk, July 12 / 13, 1943.
Source: Staatsbibliothek zu Berlin / Preußischer Kulturbesitz
English translation: Katy Derbyshire
English editing: Ginger A. Diekmann
Editing: Ute Stiepani
1st edition 2016
Available as free download (PDF 509 KB)
"Appeal for Peace by German Prisoners of War," published in PW - Halbmonatsblatt deutscher Kriegsgefangener (PW Bimonthly Newsletter of German Prisoners of War), No. 4, Fort Devens, April 1945.
Source: Gedenkstätte Deutscher Widerstand
English translation: Katy Derbyshire
English editing: Ginger A. Diekmann
Editing: Ute Stiepani
1st edition 2016
Available as free download (PDF 1.7 MB)
Second leaflet by the Community for Peace and Reconstruction, written by Werner Scharff and Johanna Schallschmidt, Berlin and Luckenwalde, April 1944.
Source: Gedenkstätte Deutscher Widerstand
English translation: Katy Derbyshire
English editing: Ginger A. Diekmann
Editing: Ute Stiepani
1st edition 2016
Available as free download (PDF 306 KB)
Third leaflet by the Community for Peace and Reconstruction, written by Werner Scharff and Johanna Schallschmidt, Berlin and Luckenwalde, August 1944.
Source: Gedenkstätte Deutscher Widerstand
English translation: Katy Derbyshire
English editing: Ginger A. Diekmann
Editing: Ute Stiepani
1st edition 2016
Available as free download (PDF 268 KB)
"People of Ansbach!" Appeal by Robert Limpert, April 1945.
Source: Stadt Ansbach
English translation: Katy Derbyshire
English editing: Ginger A. Diekmann
Editing: Ute Stiepani
1st edition 2016
Available as free download (PDF 330 KB)