German Resistance Memorial Center Publications in English
Print publications
Further publications in English
You are welcome to order these books by invoice. They will be sent for a postage and packaging fee of € 2 per dispatch. Certain publications are also available as free downloads.

Silent Heroes Memorial Center
Resistance to Persecution of the Jews in Europe, 1933-1945
Catalog of the Permanent Exhibition
Edited by German Resistance Memorial Center Foundation
Translated by Allison Brown, 2020 (344 pages)
Protective charge: 10 €
Order payable on receipt of invoice.

Plötzensee Memorial Center
Executions in Plötzensee Prison
Catalog of the Permanent Exhibition
Edited by German Resistance Memorial Center Foundation
Translated by Katy Derbyshire, 2019 (129 pages)
Price: 5 €
Order payable on receipt of invoice. Postage free of charge.
Brigitte Oleschinski
Plötzensee Memorial Center
Edited by German Resistance Memorial Center
Translated by John Grossman, 1996 (80 pages)
Only available as free download (PDF 3.9 MB)

Petra Behrens, Johannes Tuchel
"Our true identity was to be destroyed." The Children Consigned to Bad Sachsa after July 20, 1944
Companion volume to the German Resistance Memorial Center exhibition in conjunction with the Memorial Foundation for July 20, 1944, and the Town of Bad Sachsa
Edited by German Resistance Memorial Center
Translated by Katy Derbyshire, 2017 (186 pages)
Protective charge: 5 €
Order payable on receipt of invoice.

In the Face of Annihilation. Work and Resistance in the Ghettos, 1941-1944 / Im Angesicht der Vernichtung. Arbeit und Widerstand in den Ghettos, 1941-1944 /
An exhibition by students of Touro College Berlin in cooperation with the German Resistance Memorial Center / Eine Ausstellung von Student*innen des Touro College Berlin in Zusammenarbeit mit der Gedenkstätte Deutscher Widerstand
Exhibition catalog
Edited by German Resistance Memorial Center in cooperation with the Touro College Berlin, 2017 (118 pages)
Protective charge: 5 €
Order payable on receipt of invoice.

"From all the suffering that fills this building ..."
The Gestapo Unit of the Cell Prison at Lehrter Strasse 3 after July 20, 1944
Exhibition catalog
Edited by German Resistance Memorial Center
Translated by Allison Brown, 2015 (86 pages)
Protective charge: 5 €
Order payable on receipt of invoice.

"Why is the world still silent?!" Prisoners in Berlin's Columbia-Haus Concentration Camp, 1933 to 1936 / "Warum schweigt die Welt?!" Häftlinge im Konzentrationslager Columbia-Haus 1933 bis 1936
Exhibition catalog
Edited by German Resistance Memorial Center
Translated by Katy Derbyshire, 2013 (118 pages)
Protective charge: 5 €
Order payable on receipt of invoice.
Claus Schenk Graf von Stauffenberg and the Attempted Coup of July 20, 1944 / Claus Schenk Graf von Stauffenberg und der Umsturzversuch vom 20. Juli 1944
Edited by German Resistance Memorial Center and the Foundation 20th July 1944
Translated by Katy Derbyshire, 2nd edition 2008 (102 pages)
Protective charge: 7 €
Order payable on receipt of invoice.
Unfortunately out of print
Available as free download (PDF 6.8 MB)

Franz Rudolf Knubel.
"…zur kleinsten Schar / …with a chosen few". In memoriam Mildred Harnack-Fish.
Companion catalog for the exhibition
Edited by German Resistance Memorial Center
Translated by Karen Margolis, 2007 (88 pages)
Protective charge: 5 €
Order payable on receipt of invoice.

In pursuit of life – Hiding-places of persecuted Jews / Dem Leben hinterher – Fluchtorte jüdischer Verfolgter
A project of the society of sponsors Blind Trust and the German Resistance Memorial Center Foundation
Translated by Inge Deutschkron, 2010
Protective charge: 10 €
Order payable on receipt of invoice.
Ilse Rewald
Berliners Who Helped Us to Survive the Hitler Dictatorship
Edited by German Resistance Memorial Center
Translated by Hanna Silver, 1990 (13 pages)
Available as free download (PDF 1.1 MB)
Arnold Paucker
German Jews in the Resistance 1933 - 1945
The Facts and the Problems
Edited by German Resistance Memorial Center
Translated by Deborah Cohen, 2005 (72 pages)
Available as free download (PDF 1.7 MB)
Ralph Neuman
Memories from my Early Life in Germany 1926 - 1946
Edited by German Resistance Memorial Center
2006 (48 pages)
Available as free download (PDF 0.4 MB)
Inge Deutschkron
We survived. Berlin Jews Underground
Edited by German Resistance Memorial Center
Translated by Katy Derbyshire, 2008 (44 pages)
Available as free download (PDF 0.3 MB)