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Hilde Coppi

May 30, 1909 - August 05, 1943
Hilde Coppi Hilde Coppi 

Hilde Rake grew up in the Berlin district of Mitte. Her mother had a small leather goods shop. After attending a sixth-form secondary school for girls and an advanced commercial college, she worked as a receptionist in the 1930s. From 1939 on she was a senior clerk at the Reich Insurance Institution for Employees. In 1933 she attended an adult education college where she became friendly with young communists. Her Jewish boyfriend Franz Karma had to emigrate to Scandinavia in 1939. In June 1941 Hilde Rake married Hans Coppi, who has been a close friend since 1939. She supported his resistance activities and took part in the flyposting action against the anti-Soviet propaganda exhibition “The Soviet Paradise” in the Lustgarten in Berlin. On several occasions she passed on information broadcast by Radio Moscow about German prisoners of war to the prisoners’ relatives. On September 12, 1942 the Gestapo arrested Hans and Hilde Coppi and her mother, her parents-in-law and her brother-in-law. At the end of November 1942 her son Hans was born in Barnimstraße Women’s Prison in Berlin. The Reich Court Martial sentenced Hilde Coppi to death on January 20, 1943. After Hitler rejected a clemency plea in July 1943, she was murdered on August 5 in Berlin-Plötzensee.

14 The Red Orchestra